Report: Committee of the Whole/Special Council Feb 18/2025

Hi everyone: I got an important reminder recently from a friend in the community that it would be useful for folks that don’t have the time to make it out to council meetings (and that’s most of us!) to have a bit of a digest / summary of what happened. I have been meaning to […]

Live on stage

After a long 2.5 years being separated from our constituents by COVID, I have really been looking forward to this election’s  all-candidates meetings. One of the things I often brag about with respect to Oak Bay residents is their level of engagement in civic matters, and their broad awareness of the big topics in our […]

Wrapping up the term

Amidst the busyness of the election campaign, our council term wrapped up this week with the final meeting September 26. The biggest item on the agenda was a critical one- council was being asked to endorse in principle the direction found in the Infill Housing public survey and consultation report. I’m extremely pleased with the […]


I spent most of the past week at the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) conference in Whistler. After a couple of years of virtual conventions necessitated by COVID, it’s been really nice to get together with my local government colleagues in person again to share ideas and support each other. Aside from the significant number […]

Out in the community

It’s been really exciting to get out into the community this week and start door knocking in earnest. The couple of years of significant COVID restrictions happening in the middle of this term has been the hardest part of my time on council. I have missed being able to easily reach our constituents and have […]

Here we go!

Here we go, folks! I’m grateful to announce today that I’ll be seeking a second term on Oak Bay council. It’s an amazing time and I find myself just as excited as last campaign to be out on the campaign trail, hearing from our residents about their vision for the next four years.  Why am I running […]

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